The Only Thing You Can Control: You


There's only one thing you can control right now: Yourself. And here's how.

In a crisis, budgets will get frozen or cut. Decisions and deals will get pushed out. Governments and people won’t act the way you would like. None of this is in your control. But what you can control is yourself. And you can do so by learning and practicing just a few quick micro-practices. How? Learn to read your body's signals – then take a breath, or 2, now – p.a.u.s.e – and then choose how you respond in high-stress, high-stakes conversations. To learn more – and the science behind this – read my article:

As a leader in Silicon Valley, I lived through the burst of the Dot.Com bubble. We had filed for IPO - the window slammed shut. Then there was the horrific 9/11 and following that the 2008 financial meltdown.

What I shared above, was one of the keys that helped me be at my best – for my family, for my team, for the company, and for our customers. I hope it can do the same for you during this surreal pandemic. Notice. P.a.u.s.e. – and only then respond.

Please reach out if I can help you in any way. Yes, I mean it.

My coaching and consulting practice helps founders, executives and other brilliant technical talent transform into equally brilliant leaders – especially when the stakes are high.