Executive Peer Groups  


Dynamic and inspiring, Marie-Jeanne not only energizes her groups, but also makes sure they leave with practical takeaways. She creates an environment that builds trust, ensures confidentiality and allows for accelerated growth.

executive Peer groups


That goes for whether you’re the CEO responsible for the entire company, or a senior leader heading a team. Being in a confidential group of peers builds a kind of trust and mutual support over time that allows for deep and accelerated transformation – both for you as the leader and for your company.

In uncharted fast-changing times, access to different experiences and perspectives is invaluable. And so is a group’s mandate to challenge and hold all members accountable.


Each peer group consists of 6 -10 members and is thoughtfully curated and facilitating with to prioritize respect and confidentiality.

Groups are configured around leadership roles, geography, industry and company stage, avoiding competitive scenarios, and last from one to multiple consecutive years.

Leaders can be located anywhere in the world. As possible, groups meet in person. However, most meetings are held virtually taking advantage of video communication.

Adding to the experience and supporting leaders further, each also receives monthly 1-1 coaching.

high-potential peer groups


There is immense value to learning as part of a committed group, especially when you are mid-level in your career and committed to moving upwards fast.


Our carefully curated and facilitated coaching cohorts bring you together monthly with peers from your organization . And if your organization does not offer internal cohorts, join one of our groups consisting of leaders from different companies.

Together over six months to a year, the group experiences deep learning and mutual support, always focusing on building trust and making confidentiality a priority.

Your experience will enable you to:

  • Get advice and new perspectives from a group of talented peers

  • Deepen your individual learning with additional one-on-one coaching

  • Build stronger relationships across your organization

  • Grow your confidence, knowing you’re not the “only one”

  • Leave each session with specific actions to take and a peer group to hold you accountable 

As a female executive, the power of a supportive peer group is immeasurable. It provides a critical blend of camaraderie, insight, and encouragement vital for navigating the complexities of leadership. . . . Challenges are met with collective wisdom, and successes are amplified through your organization.
— Nora Crivelo | President & CEO | Westpak Inc.