How Kindness – to Yourself – Helps The Bottom Line



Those of us living Silicon Valley and many other "innovation hubs" throughout the world can be so very hard on ourselves to excel. It's what got us here in the first place - at the "big" jobs at Google, Facebook, Genentech, Wells Fargo, LinkedIn . . . But at what cost – to our health, our relationships, and now even to our performance at work?

When I speak to groups of leaders in corporate American about how it's OK to be kind to yourself, and that in fact, compassion for self is the first step in being able to have compassionate for others, inevitably I see tears in the eyes of many. 

The good news is that recent research now shows there are ways to train our brains to be kinder to ourselves – and keep up our high levels of performance, without the burnout. And less burnout, means better business results.

Here’s some of the latest research:

I coach rising and senior executives, and founders to show up more powerful and effective – when the stakes are high. I also design and facilitate innovative – and highly effective – emotional intelligence programs, including Search Inside Yourself, the brain-based leadership program developed at Google.

marie-jeanne juilland